
Plans and Rates

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Plans and Rates
Site Development

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We provide a full range of web site design, development, implementation and hosting services. All services are available a la carte, but most businesses will find one of the package plans will fit their needs at a lower price. The more predictable fixed cost option will also make budgeting easier.

If there is something you want, or any questions you have, feel free to contact us for specific quotes or answers to your questions.

Package Plans

Our standard package is suitable for most businesses. The plan includes all updates that don't require any site redesign.

Our basic package may suit more cost-sensitive businesses.

Both of these plans have a setup fee that includes complete site design and implementation for a normal site with up to six pages and no active content. More elaborate sites will require additional time from the a la carte rates below.

There is also a premium package that includes more complex site design and setup as well as more extensive updates.

The bare bones rate is for site hosting only, it is not packaged with any other items. You must supply full HTML or RXML for each page and all images to be used on your site.


The following tables show our rates for individual services and prepackaged plans. All rates are in US dollars and must be prepaid by check or money order. We are not yet set up to accept Credit Cards.

Hosting Plans

Plan Setup Annual Monthly 
Bare Bones  50  150  15  
Basic  250  200  20  
Standard  250  250  25  
Premium  350  300  30  

Domain Registration

Domain registration is available for the following Top Level Domains (TLDs):

TLD Use 
.com  Traditional business (commercial) domains  
.biz  Additional (newer) business TLD  
.net  Traditionally for network infrastructure, but used by some businesses  
.org  Non-profit organizations  
.info  Generally for informational web sites  
.us  For entities located in the United States  

Generally the first three of those have very little restriction on what they can be used for, while the last three are restricted in various ways. We will work with you during the site setup and development process to select an appropriate TLD and a name within it. All package plans include registration of a domain and all support for use of that domain to access your site (both as just the domain, e.g. http://yourname.xx/, and with "www" as some people will expect that, e.g. http://www.yourname.xx/). If you already have a domain registered elsewhere, you can either leave it there or transfer it, at your choice.

All domain registrations are subject to the terms of the Registration Agreement and to ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy both of which describe the legal relationships between the many parties involved in this process. But don't worry, while you are required to agree to these policies, we will handle all of the actual work to get domains registered and keep them operational, unless someone disputes your right to use the chosen name.

Other a la carte services

Service Rate Unit Notes 
Extra hours  100  hour   
Storage  5/mo  10MB  10MB(?) included in all hosting plans (See note 1)  
Bandwidth  ??  MB/sec  See note 1  
Note 1: The hosting plans will include some amount of disk space and bandwidth, and the above charges are for amounts in excess of that. However, I haven't yet decided on what the base is and what rate should be charged for overages. So far all sites hosted are well within reasonable bounds, so I haven't had to invoke this, yet, and therefore put off making a decision.

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Page generated 2025-03-09 at 21:21 GMT
Copyright © MMXXV MAP Network Engineering

And finally, a random note:
There are two types of people in this world, and one of them can extrapolate from incomplete data.