This is a list of the computer languages I know. It's in descending
order of current familiarity. I find I can learn most computer
languages in a very short time (hours to a day at most for simple
tasks). A couple of things are included here that aren't strictly
programming languages (e.g. HTML, RUNOFF), but they
are all computer languages of some sort.
Current regular use
These languages are ones that I currently use on a regular basis.
- Ruby
- Python
- sh/bash (Bourne shell, Bourne Again Shell)
- Emacs LISP
- awk
- sed
- make (with and without GNU extensions)
- csh
Recent extended experience
These are languages I have recently (within the last ten years)
written a large program or system in, but have since stopped using.
- C
- C++
- WOOL (another LISP)
Previous extended experience
These are languages in which I have written large systems at some time
in the past, but have not used extensively within the last ten years.
- Scheme (STk and the OO version STklos)
- Expect (TCL)
- PDP-11 assembler
- TeX/LaTeX
- .zwgc.desc
- Zeta LISP (an early OO LISP)
- MacLisp
- M4
- GNUplot
- PostScript
- TECO (RT-11/RSTS dialect)
- TJ6
- DCL (both VMS and RSTS variants)
- NEAT/3 (NCR Century assembly)
- VAX assembler
- Nova assembler
- XDP-1 assembler (an eXperimental Display Processor, main CPU similar to PDP-1, plus vector display processor)
- PDP-8 assembler
- Focal
- Basic
- Basic-Plus
Basic experience
These are languages which I have learned and written programs in, but
no substantial sized projects.
- PDP-10 assembler
- Pascal
- Algol
- Scribe
- Pike
- Macsyma
- IBM-360 Assembler
Read-only languages
These are languages with which I am sufficiently familiar to
understand programs others have written, even to the point of making
basic modifications, but have yet to write a real
program in, only toy programs.
- 8080 Assembler
- 68000 Assembler
- TECO (ITS variant)
- Smalltalk
- Bolio